a kid who tries to work ' the hair flip ' yet udderly fails. he is somewhat asian or chinese physicaly and mentally. you go all nun on him and your ruler will break.
logan gagne is a chunky chinky cookie.
by yournotblacksorry. March 27, 2010
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Chinky toe rot is a fungal foot infection, much like a foosty cheese in the shape of a foot. It is mainly seen whilst at a swimming pool, but only after drinking the water.
by WahooBawz June 19, 2010
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A term used for a horny chinese man/woman.
"Dude, that chick was sucka a kinky chinky poo!"
by SVivacious June 21, 2008
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verb meaning to waste eye drops beacause eyes are chinky due to smoking weed....
Carlos-Can i have some of your RohtoV® Eye drops?

Héctor-nah man, you waste, your worse than a Chinky eye-dropper!
by bigppapi September 4, 2009
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it’s when a person is very chunky and eats dog on the daily. his mom and dad more than likely have small eyes. vietnam, japan, china, any place with small eyed people consist of chinky chinky people
Tyler is very chinky but Alex is chinky chinky.
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A combination of both male and female, making a person of both genders
Person 1:"Damn dude, did you see that chinky chenko across the street?" Person 2: "Yeah man, I'd tap that"
by Guac amole March 15, 2017
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