A auto erotic female rape fantasy that involves a hammer being inserted to the vagina and then being subsequently hit around the face with the hammer. During which, one is high as a kite and fantasing that she is being gang raped by a large group of men.
I asked Ellie what was up with her, she said had a Bombay Bad Boy last night and now her vagina is looking like a kebab.
by Elllie Williams March 14, 2023
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a large, dense turd, named for it's likelihood of knackering your bog and usually caused by the ingestion of spicy Indian food.
Phil: I tell you what mate, I had a banging shit after that curry last night. It nearly cracked the porcelain!

Mike: Bombay Bowl-Buster was it?
by TomD4Eva May 20, 2008
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British indie rock band who are somewhat new. They're amazing and resemble other British bands, such as The Holloways, very closely.
Bombay bicycle club, fresh new indie music! What could be better...
by Marialejandra June 14, 2007
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Very potent marijauana, or some bomb weed. Just as bobby brown is usually slang for brown weed or schwag, Gordan Bombay is slang for bomb weed, or highly potent and strong smelling weed. The name comes from the character played by Emilio Estevez in the mighty duck movies.
The rapper Rick Ross has gotta be smoking some of that Gordan Bombay, cause that fat cop really has himself convinced hes gangster.
by suburbanoize1234 March 28, 2010
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A british "indie rock" band, who sound like every other "indie rock" band. they have released various songs, but so far only one has been found. the "song" is around 55 minutes long, includes many pauses, and clean guitars with tons on reverb. it also includes the staple mark of an indie band: droning, atonal singing which sounds more like someone talking in a cockney accent rather than producing melodies, or even using more than one or two notes in their vocal range.
person 1: "have you heard bombay bicycle club?"

person 2: "no"

person 1: "have you heard any indie rock?"

person 2: "yes"

person 1: "then you've heard these guys..."
by McBobbyBrown May 2, 2010
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a song by the game based on muhamed ali's boxing match. the term ali bombaye means, ali kill him
song by the game based on a boxing match with muhamed ali. ali bombaye simply means, ali kill him
by anonymous_786 January 8, 2014
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You you have to get fresh white bread slice put a layer of your favourite chilli sauce on the bread slice, then a layer of Bombay mix and then a layer of paprika and then again tomato ketchup Heinz tomato ketchup then a slice of white bread and push it all together, by Darkewok
I had a Bombay mix sandwich
by xnetmax June 6, 2022
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