Land of hicks, where interfamily marriage is encouraged.
Did you see Aunt Ruth, damn she's lookin' hot today!
by chknrustrchustr November 13, 2004
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Many states have there own names, Texasburger is just another way to say a big burger. We have many others just like this, for example Texas Toast. It isn't stupid, and I bet that if whoever said that only had a Texasburger infront of them would eat that burger. Many people in their right mind would eat those burgers and do, plus others. And other State products.
by bubbles6516 February 25, 2004
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-A very large state, indeed.
-Ask any child under eight there to draw the world and you will see them carefully outline the shape of texas.
-Home to the #1 and #2 most overweight cities in America, statistically ofcourse. sounds good.
-In 2004, half of all death penalties in the U.S took place in Texas.
-Just because the people of Texas are mainly responsible for George Bush's rise to the presidency, doesn't mean they are all like he is. However, Texas is a portion of the "Bible Belt" and is therefore overwhelmed by very conservative, religious, ignorant and change-averse people.
-Minorities, Liberals, and above all, Homosexuals beware of Texas.
-The majority of ALL U.S. hate-crimes are committed here.
-This does not apply to every person in Texas. However, take amoment and check out the posts made by its very own residents. I'd say it's applicable to most of them, as well as many people you meet from Texas.
-Texas truly deserves to be it's own country.
-Wait for the ignorant, bad-grammar, homophobic, lengthy, vulgar responses to this post-variations of the word "FAGGOT" are likely to be used. Watch how quickly and blindly these people stand up and fight for a their home state, with no factual evidence or support. Soon, some will recognize the validity of this definition.
by jay-son April 10, 2006
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A state with very down to earth people. Large cities like San Antonio, Houston, Austin, and Dallas can be like large cities anywhere. Any thought that we wear cowboy hats, talk with an accent, and are racist is not true.

Yes, there is some state pride, but what is wrong with state pride?
The only state with Bill Milers Bar-B-Q restaurants and Big Red (a type of red soda drink). Large mexican, black, german, and asian communties. Also a very intereting history which probably leads to so much state pride.

Not everyone support Bush or republicans, just to let a few people know.

It's a great place to live no matter what life style you want. In fact, in very rural areas nobody cares how you live as long as you don't bother them with how they live.
non-texan: should you really be popping fire works/being gay/nude/sleeping/drinking/littering/whatever?
Texas native: Why are you on my property, again?
by Avocado Eater August 4, 2008
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A place filled with Cowboys and Bullriding
"don't you dare take the name of Texas in vain"
by Cancer Edition August 19, 2017
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The place where the meme "hold my beer" is takin' to literal.
Texas...the place where Christmas is summer
by thatonekidfromTexas February 25, 2021
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A place for rednecks and sex offenders to gather in divine love for the one and only true power: HEineken. They fuck all day and eat alligators for tea. Don’t forget to bring your lawnmower and AK-47 lest you be raped and force fed gatorade by a 6 foot tall neck bearded discord mod with self diagnosed autism and malaria
“Hey John we goin to texas or no?”
“fuck no i dont want to be raped and force fed gatorade by a 6 foot tall neck bearded discord mod with self diagnosed autism and malaria
by sex February 28, 2023
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