To urinate (male, semi-vulgar)
I'll be back in a minute, I'm going to go shake hands with the boss. *heads off to bathroom*
by Dr Akula May 17, 2015
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When you shake someone's hand after eating a bucket of fried chicken.
Person 1: Hey, nice to meet you.

Person 2: Ew, your hands are so greasy.

Person 1: Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to give you a Fried Chicken Hand Shake.
by slumdom December 5, 2018
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Typically a short eye contact when there would in general be a real hand shake. Often accompanied by a friendly remark. A rest of politeness and friendliness in epidemic times
Hello Walter, how are you? Please feel my Spiritual Hand Shake! It comes from my heart ...
Dear colleagues, please avoid physical hand shakes. Our policy are spiritual hand shakes.
by ThePhysopher March 5, 2020
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The pop up screen that you get if you complete an achievement before the achievement book update in boom slingers, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the only people to find this Easter egg
Nice warm friendly hand shake

There is an image two devs doing a hand shake and someone doing a thumbs up in the background and it's labeled

" Nice Warm Friendly Handshake

No achievement system implemented yet "
And I screenshotted it but the phone I have it on broke but it's the pfp on my Gmail rn

by RoseRed669 January 20, 2023
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