To meet up with someone ie.of the opposite sex
"Yeh blud I'm gon ta link some chick down brixton ends innit."
by D@wudbtellin June 9, 2005
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link or linkage
is basically wen u usually meet som1 on msn and ask 2 meet dem up.mainly used by rudeboys and rudegyals.
a certain person: wen u wanna link?
me: dno.
by toplinkage July 14, 2006
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i'm gonna link some choong bre 2nite!!!
by eastlondonzfinest November 3, 2004
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Someone who is having regular sex with someone is linking them, but is commonly used to basicaly say 'going out with'

K-I hear your linking him
L-Yea since back tuesday
by LadyL January 25, 2007
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the links between creation
person.1 what are the links between creativity called
person.2 linkativity
by naydo 25 January 10, 2011
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Linking Is where you meet up with your mates or your girlfriend
by Jemmer grunts December 17, 2017
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