Where people who SMOKE THAT JUUL don't do it for July, it's like No Nut November. Are you ready for the challenge?
teenage girl: *sees No Juul July online* Pfft, this will be easy!
*7 weeks later*
*1 day later*

teenage girl: *smokes le Juul* yess, now we're talkin'!
by fard and shid June 22, 2019
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Another word for a juul pod, short for cartridge.
Bro can you give me a mango juul cart?
Nah buy your own faggot.
by thatcoloradokid December 7, 2017
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High school kids robbing people for there juuls because they are highly addicted to the device.
Me: YO, I stained that ugly ass nigga caleb daniels for his juul at union square.

Nahmir: I love staining a juul!
by BenBallerNoJohnnyDang January 3, 2018
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When the person wipes the mouthpiece of your vape before giving it back to you.
Daniel is a lit dude! He always does a juul wipe after he hits my vape!
by Kittykibble January 26, 2019
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the pocket in the back of lululemon or iviva shorts that fits a juul perfectly
bro where’s the juul? oh it’s in the juul pocket
by Bejejebrhkwkwkebbry Jekqnbw August 8, 2019
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When a couple of people in possession of juul have sexual relations, preferably while hitting their juul's this is most intimate thing a juul owner can do.
Lisa and John went home for a little juul date. John made sure to bring his condoms and some spare pods.
by Low_ki June 1, 2019
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