when a girl with no legs (just stubs) has sex with you, they will get on top of you, you penetrate her, she gets up perpendicular to you on the bottom, than she rotates/spins around your dick in her vagina while bouncing...
"That girl in the wheelchair over their gave me a ROFL copter last night!"
by terpo89 March 10, 2009
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A law enforcement or Police helicopter
The crowd at the outdoor concert was illuminated by the spotlight from the Keystone Copter as other deputies approached by car.
by Keith Hubbell December 6, 2006
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Someone, typically of the female persuasion, who makes wide use of their sexual abilities. In fact, they whore around their mouth and/or boobs and/or vagina so much, one could compare their slutting to the speed to a helicopter.
Yeah, Stacy is a a hoe, but Regina is a complete slut copter! I can't count the number of guys/donkeys she has been with on all of my appendages combined!
by Laine La Vain March 12, 2011
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Cloudy Copter comes from Baldi's Basics Field Trip Demo, and he is only seen by coming down from the sky, to which then he blows out your campfire, causing you to lose
Cloudy Copter sucks
by SOSOOSOS February 22, 2019
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bad, unfortunate, awful

Also an expression when someone is left speechless, usually preceded by well,
Dude! The fire department is on fire!

Well, penis copter!
by Pseudonymzizzzl May 8, 2011
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This is the helicopter what DO: rofl rofl rofl rofl
my small heli copter do :rofl rofl rofl rofl ,if it start. I say this is da rofl-copter
by janmach53 November 2, 2007
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1. A noobish helicopter, an noob copter.
2. A highly offensive, derogatory, and hateful epithet that is on par or worse than cracker, n***er, beaner, chink, etc. Should never ever ever be uttered in company/public.
1. Look at that noob copter go, it's so fast!
2. "You're a noob copter", friend kills you.
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