When someone grabs somthing hard to catch and like totaly nailed it.
(Person#1)Dude, look the balls comin right for you, only a baller could catch that!

(Person#2) "ohhh SNAGGLE BEAGLE!!"
by Fam. guyy April 24, 2011
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Usually found in the Mid-west, a renouned breed of dog that resides 100% of it's life in a "Ginger"'s closet. The Closet Beagle and the Ginger usually bond for life, creating an inner world of fantasy and illusions. The most notable Closet Beagle was "Bagel", owned by a Ginger in Kansas, Bagel became the mascot of mid-west started "Kult", a transendental meditaion group whos core value set revolves around the Duality of Man.
You know, Ben certainly is a Closet Beagle, always alone and only associates with Gingers.
by Quart-a-Milk April 2, 2010
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A breed of dog that doesn’t exist but sounds like it does, can be used to mess with dog snobs.
Lucas: I have a Mediterranean Beagle

Dava: What’s that?
Lucas: Search it up
Dava: Fuck you
by Ch0riZoh October 27, 2021
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The Beaten Beagle:

The arse of an older woman (that you can tell would have been a slurry in her day) that is saggy and visually obvious that it has experienced A LOT of pounding over its years.
The Beaten Beagle:

The arse of an older woman (that you can tell would have been a slurry in her day) that is saggy and visually obvious that it has experienced A LOT of pounding over its years.

James: What the... what’s with that old slurry’s arse?
Allan: She has been pounded so much the padding is loose in her arse!
Glenn: That boys, is a Beaten Beagle!!

James: *Vomits while fapping*
by Coondawgs December 17, 2017
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The pattern of chafing due to your testicles rubbing against your leg
I work a 9 hour shift only to earn a set of beagle ears
by Lucky O'Toole June 5, 2022
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When you sniff a beagles arse and the sensation instantly makes you blow your load
by schnivvyfwee January 22, 2015
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1. Adj. immoral and irretrievably depraved

2. Noun. Fauci
3. Noun. A beagle killer
That olbeagle killer just raped a nun
by Hot Dog Goblin November 30, 2021
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