nurse: have you been using marijuana
Autistic man: yes, I've been stinking up to help manage my autism
by curtis450 April 2, 2023
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This means someone on your clique smells bad. Ultimately, making your entire group smell bad as well.
Nah, we not playin' basketball wit dem boys. Because there's a cipher stink going on over there with them. Sheeesh!!
by OffWithYourHead4749 October 2, 2021
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After you eat a lot of garlic and blow a load on her face. It stinks like garlic
I blew a stink load on her face
by uncle meatster December 15, 2013
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When sweat smells like potent urine from intoxication of alcohol
He came home "stinking pissed"
by Unlocking_Freedom November 20, 2022
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Phrase used to describe a big budget movie from hollywood with special effects and fight scenes that look like they have been pulled out of a crappy chinese kung-fu movie.
prime examples are 'the musketeer' and anything by the wachowski brothers
guy1: so dude how was the movie??
guy2: lots of explosions and wire-fu, the whole thing stinks of MSG
by footinmouthman June 6, 2006
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when a person is wearing clothes that has been left in the washer for to long because they are lazy or just forgetful and now smells like mildew and mold.
Person 1: WTF is that smell..

Person 2: Its that Stink Pants over there...

Person 1: Ey Stink Pants the hell man u making the whole place smell like shit.

Stink Pants: Its not my fault, my mom is lazy n always forget to dry my clothes
by TheKingJack November 12, 2011
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A stink chamber
Yo cris I told you I fucked marry last night? Yeah she had the worst stink chamber I’ve ever smelt
by Mr slide back March 25, 2021
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