I dreamt I was a person in control of people and had magical powers to possess them like dolls. The guy I controlled ended up turning on me. It was creepy and spooky as fuck. I ended up getting in trouble and I got beat. The whole world seemed like a Dollhouse.

I also had even more disturbing dream before that one. I was in Canada at the border and talking to Canadians and they had completely lost their minds. So I had to blend in and pretend to be one of them so I wouldn’t be lynched.
I had the most disturbing dream ever last night
by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker January 25, 2021
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An underrated band that had its lead singer unfortunately pass away. Wonderful music tho
Live my Last is a totally awesome band that you should try out
by Liberate Hong Kong January 2, 2021
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the last july 28th 2021 is the last day there is for melissa to call ansy her little ansy poo bear
the last july 28th will hurt so much
by mylittlesusling June 17, 2021
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When you're playing beer pong and you're down to that last cup, but for some reason you keep missing... no clutch
Dan: God damnit I can't hit that cup. Been hitting the rim the last 3 rounds!

Ricky: Last cup pressure son
by Ob Ey Propaganda September 4, 2012
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Let’s make it the Best week ever! Also we all have to Stand on a table and Scream “It’s the last week!!!!”
Isn’t it the last week of school of the decade? (Stands in table and screams It’s the last week!!!)
by Sexyboi911 December 19, 2019
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The last touch would be today's version of saying 'having the last laugh. ' I first heard this word about a year ago from a friend but since then everyone is saying it. I thought I'd add a Definition cause some people might wonder where it really came from. Here in Edmonton, the sub culture is a big thing. And to a wide variety of people what was once the last laugh is now the last touch.
Hey, wanna get the last touch on those guys who jumped you in the park last week?
by B❤️ January 13, 2020
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