A douchebag, generally the shape of a chode or a nugget who can not dance so shuffles back and forward puffing out there chests. usually found in dingy discusting nightclub fistpumping on the outskirts of the dance floor.
hey alex i'm glad im not chode shuffling like those D-bags over there
by Dfunk92 September 18, 2011
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When a fat white kid, crip walks past you with a female outside...
If I ever see Herman C-Note Truffle Shuffle with his younger sister, I'm gonna push his fat ass into parking lot traffic, film it, and show it to my dealer.
by ForbiddenRamen September 27, 2023
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When you run to the bathroom with your pants down and shit is peeking it’s way out of your asshole
I’m happy that 7-11 had a bathroom I shuffled hard
by Camgirl bro September 23, 2019
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A hand gesture meaning something similar to "What's up?"--performed by fully extending the right hand, turning the palm towards the face, and shaking the hand up and down, as if you were trying to get somebody's (who has spaced out) attention.
"Ey boy, don't be gon givin' me no right hand shuffle like you mie homeboy uh sumthin!"
"Aww dawg ain't you dun be remembrin me frum dah club last night?"
by Deryck December 24, 2004
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Your mid shit and you realize theres no toilet paper so you have to go get it
Bro i was taking a shit and there was no toilet papper so i had to do a muddy shuffle
by Fennel8263 July 16, 2023
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Occurs after a long night of drinking and is often coupled with a hangover. Characterized by a general aching sensation in the lower back area, particularly around the kidneys.
"Man, last night was a shitshow! I got so drunk and I think I made out with the horse. I'm paying for it today, I've got a nasty hangover and I am doing the Kidney Shuffle."

by gimpy2552 April 18, 2008
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To pack a bong and hand it to someone else for smoking.
Matthew, I’m wrecked, won’t you shuffle and deal?
by The Hylander July 20, 2018
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