a Caveman named Tommy that can't get girls in his own league, so he must move down a couple.
"Look at Tee-ball Tommy, hes 16 years old and he can only get nerdy 8th graders."
by Punanii August 14, 2009
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When you fix something just enough that the next person that uses it, breaks it.
"Alright, which one of you has been Tommy rigging the toilet again?!"
by Velvet Pimpson July 21, 2023
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Some guy in HTL Leonding who was head boy and promised us beanbags
we never got em.
Guy1: "Hey Tommy when do we get that sweat Beanbags???"
Tommy Neumaier:"idk lol"
by Pansi Parkinson 666 February 2, 2023
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A woman under the influence of drugs fingers your arse and then you both suck her fingers clean.
I was in Aberdeen the other day and I saw a junkie getting a tommy bottom by the bins.
by Peggy bumbles July 27, 2023
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The man wit the most Tommy Hilfiger in the gc.
Ex. 1upsid_ is the tommy man cause i got tommy towels, tommy gym bags, tommy boxers, tommy cologne, tommy shirts, tommy jeans, tommy socks, tommy gloves, tommy beanies.
by Mr.Bitchs December 2, 2021
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Leaving a dump in someones toilet without flushing.
Damn, Leroy Tommy Wheeler'd me yesterday and I just found it.
by Captain90266 May 13, 2021
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the absolute sexiest guy. he has a amazing personality and is the sexiest guy in the world. he strictly dates sussy bakas. and likes girls 5+
Omg thats Tommy Jelly! Hes so sexy!
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