When someone sends more than one message in social media (Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram etc.) at one time to mask that they are messaging someone else. This is also used when reading or replying.
My wife was on Whatsapp for 2 minutes but only send me a two word reply, I'm sure she is masking
by lyingslag October 27, 2020
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v. Invalid actions undertaken to create the illusion that a problem has been meaningfully addressed.

There’s a chlorine leak at the pool and the “authorities” want us to cover our faces with wet cloth. Isn’t that just masking?
by gnostic3 March 24, 2022
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Someone who you see in a public setting with a mask on but barely on their face or just covering their lips
Dude 1: I was at Costco and this guy had a mask on but it was just slightly covering his mouth.

Dude 2: oh he out here Half Masking
by Godzac May 22, 2021
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When you are having anal sex and you pull out and jizz on their face. Then use your cox like a paint brush spreading the jizz and truffle butter on their face.
I gave my old lady a mississippi mud mask and now she got pink eye.
by Grit Sharpenson October 19, 2017
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Stretching the scrotal skin over a woman’s mouth and nose to simulate the Hannibal Lecter mask from the silence of the lambs movie
I found performing the Lecter Mask a challenge having lacking an amount of scrotal skin.
by J. Swartzkoff October 5, 2020
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When you are multi tasking during a meeting and someone asks you a question but you are focused elsewhere. Masking is when you fake your answer with a nod or by saying "Im not sure, I will find out"
your boss is in a conversation with a client and looks at you...
Boss: John, what caused the delay last month?
You: (nodding yes, looking up from your smart phone) "yep, but let me confirm it"
Your friend whispers: He's Tulti masking
by MrHealthCareRepair September 7, 2012
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a synonym for getting so drunk you'll black out.
"tonight it is chicken mask time bitches"
by chickenmaskbandit November 6, 2009
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