Gay jokes, memes, and/or gifs that are dropped like bombs in group chat.
Dude it looks like the moon in the group chat from all the gay mortar shells
by LLJFondle February 11, 2019
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an innocent and humorous way of calling out particularly gay things, without causing awkwardness.
Two girls, talking about people they find atractive.
"I would willingly let Angelina Jolie step on me."
"Yo that's hella gay, lmao."
by psychotic_muffin February 14, 2017
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A person saying or sending an image of a character saying"person above hella gay" or "person below hella gay".Mostly seen meme on Google+
User 23123 2 Minutes ago
Person below hella gay
by Hellototheotherside March 12, 2018
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Boys are cute
I'm hella gay
*Sees dude* I'm hella gay
by much meme such wow December 14, 2016
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me & u & ur mom
omg it’s hella gay to jerk
by leviramos January 4, 2022
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s-ab. Hella Gay meaning very sabbish or very sab.

sab booty Also meaning very rubbbish which also means sab
your very hella gay/sab.
by proudtobekoreaboo August 20, 2018
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