Cute af with a fat ass. When she gets angry, lowkey looks like a pissed hamster
I love Amy, so cut
by November 24, 2021
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Amy means beloved . Amy is a feminine name of Latin and French origins. Coming from the Old French name Amée, and Latin name Amata.

You are a person who is true to your ambitions and interests. Independent, creative, freethinker, and have strong leadership potential.
You are such kind and caring persons! They also love to talk with friends!

They often apologize way to much (no need to apologize you did nothing wrong 😭)
They will hear you out on EVERYTHING. NOT EVEN KIDDING. you probably like pancakes for sure.

Or they probably will tell there friends EVERYTHING (just friends she is really closed)
She always puts her friends first😭 but please take care
Sometimes they can really get aggressive if a friend didn't drink or do something important.. 😟I recommend to listen to them😟
Find your Amy rn.🤨
Amy:did you drink some water??

Person:uhh... No I forgot.

Amy:... I'm going to jump on you if you don't drink water in these 5 seconds.
by Yuna.. June 15, 2022
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A really big jit absolutely the biggest jit to ever exist on the planet no bigger jit also really dumb
Amy is a jit
by Amy jit jit September 9, 2021
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amy is a baka and is dating her skater gf haley. Amy deserves the world and more
by hotgirl973 May 3, 2021
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amy is an amazing beautiful soul and deserves more then what she receives. She is so kind and caring. They always know how to lighten her skater gf haleys day. Amy deserves nothing but the world and more.
amy is a beautiful soul and i’m specially talking about @haleysbaka
by hotgirl973 May 3, 2021
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Amy is the kindest and most loving person you will ever meet. Amy is one in a million and will always put others before herself and can also turn any situation into a happy one.

If you ever get into a relationship with Amy it’ll be a relationship for life because there is no one better. And you better dam treat her the way she deserves.
by lam lam August 23, 2022
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Small and fiesty, avoid long and serious relationships as it is drained and will usually end in heartbreak or a brokenleg. Capable of nice and funny moments but mainly a fucking nightmare.
Oh fuck my life I’ve accidentally started dating an Amy!
by BenRob256 November 23, 2021
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