To put invisible chains on someone or something.
The girl got mauled trying to tame the mountain lion at the zoo. She took a gamble with it and didn't leave Vegas a winner. She fought back, but nature got even. It happens.
by Solid Mantis December 2, 2020
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To put invisible chains on someone or something.
The girl got mauled trying to tame the mountain lion at the zoo. She took a gamble with it and didn't leave Vegas a winner. She fought back, but nature got even.
by Solid Mantis December 2, 2020
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When two people’s love for each other is too strong.
“Tames couples are just too cute!”
by Tames shipper June 13, 2021
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A tame negrot is a chill nigga, a nigga you can get along with, a fellow a friend
“You should hang out with my friend sometime, he’s a pretty tame negrot
by K.O.D October 28, 2017
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the act of taming an uncle for breeding purposes. There are multiple steps that must be taken in order to breed your own uncle or indeed the uncle of another person
1. You must taste blood
2. Search for an eligible Uncle
3. Take the chosen Uncle to the state of Israel, choosing any city
4. Immediately leave the country and leave the Uncle behind
5. Upon arrival home, the Uncle will be either in your basement or in a spare bedroom
5b. If you have neither the taming will fail
6. Mount the Uncle with a saddle and do not let him buck you off for 2 hours after mounting
7. With the Uncle broken, you must now breed him
At this point you should have successfully tamed your uncle and made him breeding stock
"sure Jessica i would love to come to your party with all those women but i'm busy Uncle taming and i fucking hate women"
by THAD SMASH January 31, 2020
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