As in “pound agua”.

To drink water, especially when you’re hella thirsty
Friend A: I'm hungover af
Friend B: Damn broski you should pound some gua

Friend A: Bet

Doctors recommend pounding at least 8 cups of gua a day to avoid dehydration.

Cant wait to get home so I can pound gua
by Yeety McYeetface November 5, 2019
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Dude: Yo Bro you wanna hang tonight?
Bro: Nah man I'm pounding the tuna tonight.
by Tygan Jonate Dreid May 31, 2016
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term coined by unidentified jewish media star to exemplify a painful loss by the chicago white sox .The term describes both the pain and anguish white sox fans feel by losing to inferior teams.
The Chicago White Sow took an absolute moon pounding by the Kansas City Royals last night.
by motoman September 26, 2012
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Taking down the biggest, ugliest, hairiest girl in the club.
Nick: Dude, I can't even land a grenade or land-mine tonight.

Ian: It's all good man, if all else fails you can always pound a monster!
by Pseudonomymous July 31, 2011
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V. Doing drugs
Tife told Aubrey that pounding ham is good and she was silly and believed him.
by JuiceGodKingT January 16, 2016
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The douchey attempt by somebody to gain group recognition for an undeserving joke. Typically requested by someone who assumes a false position of leadership, "Pounds Around" is usually met with group silence, tension, and the overwhelming urge to distance themselves from said speaker.
Guy: "Knock knock"
Group: "Who's there?"
Guy: "Nobody other than the hot babe I just scored! Pounds Around!"
by UnderworldLeader October 28, 2012
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A sexualized version of "in for a penny, in for a pound." Means almost the same thing as the original saying but in a sexual context as aforementioned. In context, it references sex with or without protection (in this case, without), and since it was done before might as well double down and do it again regardless of the consequences.

This was used in Team Four Star's, Dragon Ball Z Abridged: Episode 60 Epilogue.
Bulma: "But after the first time, I just thought; well, in for a penny, in for a pounding."
Trunks: "Ahhh!"
Bulma: "And I really was."
by 7N_Shepard December 27, 2018
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