A school just a half mile from (Springboro High School) where about 25% of the students, who are often jocks, are complete jerks who are rich as fuck and talk shit about each other behind each others backs. Of that 25% some engage in illegal activity such as finding the "Candy Shop" and buying some "candy" for their personal use. Roughly 10% of the people are bullies who knowingly antagonize their victim on a daily basis by saying "Hey (insert victim's name here)" which is meant to simply just make the victim feel awkward and belittle them. When this occurs often the victim can do nothing because they cannot simply go to a teacher and say that someone keeps saying hi to them. About 50% of the students are normal people who are simply trying to do the best they can and walk around in a bliss simply not coming to the realization of the bullying and other illicit activities that are happening around them. Lastly, there is the 15% that are normal humane people that are willing to help those that are belittled and bullied, but often get bullied for it. Overall, life at SJHS sucks for those that aren't jerks and rich.
Kid 1: Do you go to Springboro Junior High School?
Kid 2: Yes, it sucks. All the jocks are rich and complete asses.
by Inconspicuos May 20, 2016
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Ass sucking piece of junk school. Most of the kids are mexicans. No hot chicks. The guys are all dicks who think they're cool. All around sucks
"Hey did u hear about that kid John Reese? All he does is play video games all day!"

"No. What school does he go to?"

"Santa Barbara Junior High."
by A.Larson August 4, 2009
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A Junior High in Lake Oswego/ Lake BigEgo/ Lake NoNegro/ The Bubble. The School is all rich/stuck up ppl that think there awesome.
I go to Lake Oswego Junior High
by SkaterChick July 6, 2009
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abington junior high school

a shitty as school where the 7th graders bark at the emos and where the 8th graders wanna rumble everyone and everyone in that school is a nicotine addict.
abington junior high school is filled with hoes
by yeiskdkdkdjdkd November 14, 2021
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A place in which dumb and smart people socialise and get in pointless groups for classes,most people that go there are strange and spontaneous but the others ones are secretly planning the deaths of fellow students and smelling their hair for some reason
example 1. I can't believe I survived mahomet seymour junior high .

example 2. Yuno gasai once went to mahomet seymour junior high !She learned how to kill from being stabbed in the neck 1 week after she came!
by the potato people are real January 31, 2016
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A school in Kitsap County, Washington, full of whores, drug addicts, and emo/scene kids. Anyone who's not one of those labels is a prep.
girl 1: what's that junior high?
girl 2: you mean the one split into different labels and where everyone hates each other?
girl 1: yeah, that one...
girl 2: thats Central Kitsap Junior High.
by mariasaurusrexxx March 5, 2009
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Home of the Hoes bby🤢🚮.
Ew it’s Hazel Park Junior High. YUCK!
by Asley12344 October 17, 2019
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