A very small unit of measurement. More than a damn but less than a rat's ass.
I don't give half a fuck that you're on a keto diet, mable
by Cap'n Jazz September 5, 2018
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"Your car ran out of gas. We need you to help us push it to a gas station."
"Fuck this, I'm walking."
by skillshit September 12, 2005
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when you are fed up with something or someone you just dont care anymore
Person #1: Where the fuck is Ray?
Person #2: He's still asleep man.
Person #1: Holy shit, we're gonna be late so just fuck it then.
by RILIL1 July 25, 2008
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Short for why/who/what/ the fuck
1:I killed your girlfriend.
2:The fuck you do that for?

1:It's Dingleberry McJohnson.
2:The fuck is that?

1: I'm going to identify the covalent bonds.
2: The fuck are those?
by Scrubmaster February 16, 2009
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excamantion of extreme anger
we have a math test next period
fuck fuck shit fuck
by punkgal November 8, 2004
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the most versatile of versatile words in the English language. Can be incorporated into about any sentence at least once
Can you get some fucking milk from the fucking store, you fucking bitch?

This is the nastiest fucking pizza I've ever fucking eaten.

This fucking homework can go suck a fucking cock.

Do I need to say any fucking more?
by Annored April 9, 2015
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