Extraphysical Biology is a field of extraphysics that seeks to study biology at extraphysical level, but different from bioextraphysics, extraphysical biology seeks to study the bioextraphysical properties of life and even the study of how extraphysics can influence biology and biochemistry at physical level, while bioextraphysics is more focused to the study about life forms at extraphysical level, even sometimes both terms, bioextraphysics and extraphysical biology can actually mean the same thing.
"Extraphysical biology is a really interesting field on extraphysics and biology as well, it might be really useful to understand how are the properties of life at extraphysical level and how that spiritual, religious, astral and supernatural experiences can actually work. And also help with a better understanding of extraphysicalism as well."
by Full Monteirism April 11, 2021
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The study of strange, unusual and or otherwise mythic creatures.
i.e. cryptids
"What is it called when a bunch of dorks talk about dragons, unicorns and pokémons?
by crypto-biologist April 22, 2017
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a tight class that all the cool kids take; a place to invent new slang like fragile x; the class taught by a really racist, drunk, crazy teacher
"You are SO fragile x"
"What's fragile x?"
"AP Biology joke"
"you wouldn't get it you tard"
by samithewami March 3, 2006
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the hardest class know to man.

plaguing sophomore report cards.
dude: The JuCo rejected me!
dude 2: Holy Crap! community college rejected you? why?
dude: honors biology...
dude: Oh shit, ur screwed...sorry man.
by motoson March 27, 2007
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LGBT Biology, also LGBT Biologism, is a term used to refer to the idea that there are biological causes for becoming LGBT, mainly transsexual, the term is mainly used to refer to the idea that LGBT behavior, mainly transsexual one, are not actually mental illness, but more like a dysphoria and a biologically determined behavior, futhermore, LGBT Biology is also used to refer to Otherkin Biology, also Otherkin Biologism, that's the idea Otherkin and Therian are more like a dysphoria and biologically determined than being a mental illness. LGBT Biology is worrisome by majority of the LGBT community but it might be a hope for understand LGBT is actually a biological thing of humans, such as otherkin and therian also are biological for humans.
"LGBT biology and otherkin biology might be really useful to show that LGBT and otherkin behavior and consideration are not actually mental illnesses, but more like a dysphoria and a cultural determined thing, it also might be really useful to end the oppression against LGBT and otherkins/therians because it is going to show it's a biological thing and there's nothing wrong with both."
by Full Monteirism March 30, 2021
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The most fucking unreal class on the planet. Although boring as fuck, and has no hot and horny girls!!!
Fuck, this Biology 231 class is fucking bawls
by Bogatyrov March 2, 2009
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