Awesomely amazing and an incredible friend!

Rachels are amazing because they have so many friends
Rachels usually have brien hair and blue eyes, with an
amazing face that is just soo cool
Rachels are super fun, and all the boys want her
Rachels are cute, friendly, adorable and attractive, so
they are an incredible species
by cheekychops1233 March 24, 2014
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Rachels are the smartest, most lovable, and sweet girls you will ever meet. She knows how to keep a conversation going on for hours. Whether you want to or not. She is the girl any man would be lucky to have. She is beautiful but, despite everyone telling her, she denies it. She is a good person to have with you if there is ever a zombie apocalypse. Overall, a good friend. Whatever you do in life, don't lose her.
Friend 1: Who's that making a sandwich in the kitchen?
Friend 2: That's Rachel.
by liams1220 April 30, 2019
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Rachels are usually caring and sweet girls. they might be a little bit clumsy and might come as shy, naive or as boring girl but on the inside they like to make other people laugh, know a lot and are not shy at are. they are crazy on the inside. sometimes they think too much. and of course let’s not forget how beautiful they are on the inside and on the outside.
Rachels are usually caring and sweet girls. they might be a little bit clumsy and might come as shy, naive or as boring girl but on the inside they like to make other people laugh, know a lot and are not shy at are. they are crazy on the inside. sometimes they think too much. and of course let’s not forget how beautiful they are on the inside and on the outside.
by girlsgirls February 11, 2019
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A girl who could never understand how beautiful she truly is. It's so easy to fall in love with the way she looks; she has the most beautiful smile and her eyes are absolutely unreal. She is everything anyone could ever wish for in someone and she honestly deserves the world. On top of being the most beautiful girl going, she's unbelievably intelligent and she always makes everyone that loves her so proud without fail. She deserves to find her happiness more than anything bc of the person she is. And you one hunna don't need to meet her to know that's she's the one.

She deserves to be loved, adored and to be given the world. If you know the most part of her, that's when you realise the perfect and beautiful person she truly is.
"I think I've fallen for her my g"
"Is she a Rachel tho"
"You dun know she is, she's the most beautiful girl i've ever met. She's kind, caring, selfless and fucking hilarious."
"Sounds like a Rachel g"
by littleblad June 15, 2019
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Rachel is a big, fat, white, nasty smellin, fat, bitch. She took Jasmine Collins of the motherfucking schedule. She is a trifling, dirty, white, racist ass, big fat bitch, umpaloompa body assed bitch.
Thanks a lot Rachel. Thanks a lot you IDIOT. Thanks a lot. Thanks to you, my charger is not chargin on me ipad because it got used to your charger instead. I hope your happy, because I've told mum.
by ogey...and? April 21, 2020
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The type of person that is trust worthy and cares about others. She can also be very sarcastic. She like to joke around with friends and is very fun to be with. During a pandemic she struggles to speack and read. She stutters alot and loses brain cells very quickly.
Person 1 : hey rachel did you finish the essay?

Rachel : no i couldnt figure out how to spell "I".

Person 1: oh ok :/
by Spoonofnuttela May 29, 2020
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a cute; smart; funny; girl. rachels usually play soccer. a rachel will always be there to help you with your problems. they are very caring and live there life to the fullest.

motto: "Live.Laugh.Love"
Person: Last night i had a problem so i talked to a rachel. she helped me with everything.
Person number 2: thats what a rachel does.
by soccerrachell.<3 February 20, 2009
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