French for "False Step."

A severe social blunder or major breach in etiquette. If the faux pas in question was unintentional it oftens leads to a very awkward and uncomfortable moment. If the faux pas in question was intentional the person who intentionally committed the faux pas in question is often loathed for an appropriate period of time (or bitch slapped). But- on a rare occasion the person the intentional faux pas was directed at might find it funny and laugh it off.
Unintentional Faux Pas:
During "Brighter Than Sunshine" -our last slow dance song- I went to kiss Miranda full on the lips. But apparently first base wouldn't be reached tonight. Instead she violently jerked away, her lithe body escaping my gasp. She looked at me with some kind of look that I'd never seen before. In it, it contained; desire, anger, and pity. The few seconds she stood standing there in front of me felt like enternity. Miranda, God bless her, ran away tears streaming out her eyes. Apparently when she said had taken my "Let's go to the dance together but just as friends" speech literally. I had intended it as a "We're best friends and have been for ages will you go out with me?"

Intentional Faux Pas (Type A):
When Kelsey took off her backpack at carpool and bent over to get the math notes I had missed out for me, Cameron made a serious Faux Pas of the first type. She was standing there, her heart-shaped butt innocently sticking out when he ran up and spanked it so hard I'm sure it bruised. For Christ's sake, doesn't he know we're in a Catholic school? Well he got what he deserved. His cheek was still bright red the next day from the bitch slap she gave him.

Intentional Faux Pas (Type B):
I watched as Keith stared directly at Kelly's hourglass body. Didn't he have any shame? Didn't he know how to do it the right way? The way she wouldn't notice. Beatrice -Kelly's "pleasently plump" best friend- noticed. Beatrice pointed it out to Kelly. But apparently Lady Luck wasn't letting Keith down today. Kelly laughed, took it as a compliment, and ran over and started making out with him. Maybe I should take notes for the next time I cross paths with Miranda's beautiful body.
by I listen to Indie Music January 28, 2007
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A city that was once beautiful and prosperous. Now it's a corrupt, dirty, and ghetto shithole infested by racial card-playing gangstas from New Jersey and the Bronx. Anyone sensible enough to realize how terrible it is has fled to the much safer suburbs.

The Mafia actually ran Reading much better than officials do, and now the city is on the verge of bankruptcy due to irresponsible budgeting.

Random facts about Reading:

The unemployment rate is 14.7% (as of July 2010).

Approximately 35% of the population lives below the poverty line.

The city is famous for it's rail transport. You'll even find that the Reading Railroad is a property in Monopoly. Sadly, it went bankrupt in the 1970s. Nowadays, the stations are empty and abandoned and many tracks go unused.

The city is infamous for corruption. The latest scandal involves Mayor McMahan illegally borrowing $11.5 million from the city sewer fund.

It's generally said that almost everyone who has to deal with the city hates it.
Welcome to Reading, PA: the Little Bronx! Just a heads up, though, there's no Little Manhattan next to it...
by Eviltaco64 July 2, 2010
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Susquehanna pa. A shithole in North east pa.A place that has more toothless idiots than 5 super walmarts cobined,Tons of white trash welfare scum with no ambition to get a job or dental work.These idiots could easily pass for the zombies on the walking dead WITHOUT MAKEUP!!!!
DO NOT DRINK THE WATER.Or it could happen to you to!
Look at the 25 year old dude buying lobster,steaks and crablegs,he must have a decent job.

Nope he's got a ebt card white trash susquehannianfrom susquehanna Pa
by AHOLEOFJACKSON January 10, 2013
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A violation of accepted norms of male behavior (for example, standard men's room customs or etiquette rules).
There were six unoccupied urinals in the bathroom, but he still decided to use the one right next to me. It was a total braux pas.
by mumbling2myself April 13, 2011
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Would have been a beautiful lake after the flood, but instead they brought it back to be a failed dilapitated mining town
It's to bad they didn't leave Johnstown, PA under water
by Hempknight419 October 6, 2019
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Founded back in the mid 18th century as a trading post with only a hotel, bar and other basic amenities, this small town has grown little in the intervening centuries. If you grew up here, you will forever have to explain that you are not from West Virginia, thanks to this shithole not having any claim to fame, nevemind being less than a tenth the size of its West Virginian cousin. With a population of less than 1,000 and no less than four churches, you can make some guesses about the culture. If you're not Amish, Mennonite or Redneck, you're a random tourist, or you came down from Reading to go to BB's. It's slightly better than some Pennsylvania mining towns, but you can thank the Amish for that, if you can manage to speak to them in a thick enough accent.
I'm from Morgantown, PA, that place that's between _______ and _______.
by telektoret March 23, 2016
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