When you really have to take a shit and all that comes out is a huge fart and a bright light and all you can hear is "ZOOL"
"Man I just had a huge Ghostbusters Shit"

"Oh really? Who you gonna call about that?"
by Blacky Whacky January 10, 2012
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When partners are eating ass in a crazy manner similar to that of Slimer in Ghostbusters.
John: so I heard you and Melissa did the Dirty Ghostbuster last night.
David: Yeah Melissa had so much shit, it was amazing.
by Gabeitch2034 November 6, 2021
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A film that is, quite frankly, awful. Loved by liberals but hated by conservatives and libertarians. Contains pro Democratic propaganda about Hillary Clinton.
Ghostbusters 2016 is a load of shit
by Libertypedia June 4, 2023
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When in an orgy don't cross dicks with another guy
Mary was keen on a 3sum but remember buddy Ghostbusters rules, no crossing the streams
by brushnz February 5, 2022
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When you get jerked off by someone but you don't know who it is.

You must ejaculate in order for the ghostbust to be completed.

A ghostbust can only be done by boys on boys and it is of utmost importance that one doesn't know he identity of the ghostbuster during the act.
"Yeah, I ghostbust my homies at night. You don't"
"Chad was it you who ghostbusted me earlier?"
"Bro, I wonder who's ghostbusting tonight"
by Hugh Jestcock October 25, 2019
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Someone that blocks who does ghost on them.
Raymond: Hey, nice pic!
Leonard: Hi, thank you! Yours too!
Raymond: Thanks. What's your name?
Leonard: *proceeds to ghost*
Raymond: (Oh my goodness, have I done something wrong?)

(One week later...)
Raymond: Hello?

Leonardo: *Keeps ghosting*
Raymond: (tara-tara-tara, tarataratara ta)
Raymond: *blocks*

(One day later...)

Rachel: Hi Raymond, what're you up to?
Raymond: Oh, I just blocked a guy who was ghosting on me.
Rachel: How come?
Raymond: cuz imma ghostbuster
by Alec Avilo March 18, 2023
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Someone that blocks people that don't anwser their messages.
- Hello
- Hey
- What's up?
*no answer despite being online*
(one week later...)
- Why did you block them?
- Because I'm a ghostbuster.
by Alec Avilo March 18, 2023
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