FOB is an acronym for Fall Out Boy, a band who has recently become quite popular. They have three CDs, as well as at least two EPs. They are on Island record label, which is the same label as The Killers. They used to be on Fueled By Ramen. Just because they have recently subcome to popularity doesn't make them posers. They don't call themselves punk, because they aren't, so by not calling themselves something they aren't, they have avoided becoming posers. If you enjoy Fall Out Boy, you should listen to Panic! At The Disco.
"Oh you like the new song by FOB?"

"Have you checked out the new FOB video? It had Brendon from Panic! At The Disco in it!"
by Robino April 25, 2006
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Fake Orlando Bloom - someone looking like or behaving similarly to Orlando Bloom
by LEMLE2 August 12, 2010
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1. Fresh off the boat - a degrading term used to describe asains that have come from another country recently. Some take this phrase affectionatly but most do not
2. an abreviation for the awesome band Fall out boy but no real fans use it because of the confusion with definition 1.
1. The mean spirted white boy shouted "you are such a FOB" to the small chinese girl.

2. The poser fan squealed "omg! I totally heart FOB!"
by Laura K. December 7, 2005
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abbreviation for the band "Fall-Out Boy"
Have you seen the new fob music vid?
by Orri August 6, 2005
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Fresh off boat - refer to foreign born Asians who do not speak English well or speak English with accent. A popular derogatory term most commonly used by US-born Asians who often feel inferior to their white counterparts to look down on Asians who weren't born in the US so that at least they feel superior to something.
yo that white girl is so hot I wish I weren't asian so I could ask her out. I guess being an Asian with small dick I can only go out with FOBs coz asian girls love whities's dicks.
by JaneD September 9, 2008
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To Fart On Balls, an intense fart
Bro, I just Farted all over my balls, that was a ridiculous FOB
see also SOB
by paulg08 July 25, 2008
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