There are two Prescott Prayer Chapels (PPC). The first one was dedicated in 1972 and demolished in 2015. The second one was dedicated in 2018. The first PPC, the 1972-2015 version, was the butt of an old Urban Dictionary joke. What both have in common is their purpose (house of prayer) and the fact that PLNU students write prayers on sheets of paper that they leave for others to appreciate.
"When there is nothing left to do, one must pray. When one has no other place to pray, one prays at Prescott Prayer Chapel. Unfortunately, it is not a clean and neat little monument rather than the shabby all inviting shack it has replaced. God help me!"
by The Goodman Scholar October 28, 2020
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involves 5 girls one beer funnel, and 5 bottles of some hard alcohol, doesnt matter what kind (3 full 2 empty), alcohol is dumped into the funnel into the first girl, any hole, then they move the funnel on to the next girl and so on, at the end the remaining alcohol is funneled into the empty bottle and then enjoyed by the 5 girls and the shephard.
your mom last night did this thing with all of her friends called the shepards chapel!

by phukoff November 10, 2007
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Once a very large, very 'brain-washed' society of zombie staff, is now a revolutionized community of new teachers and kids that are smarter than previous 'rich brats' that once attended.

Having kicked out the old, brainless hag running the school into the ground, the school seems to be improving as a younger, and more competent principle has stepped forward to take the reigns.

Taking a more 'liberal' and 'open' aspect to their education surrounding the Bible, kids are not as berated as they were once before. However, the children attending the school are still gossipers and no good rich kids.

As for the Bible department, one still cannot walk if you haven't taken the fourth year; hopefully this mundane rule shall be reconsidered with the new head of the school. But, they have employed more proficient Bible teachers that no longer drill the gurgling nonsense into children's heads.

Still as expensive as hell, though.
Students of 2006-2011: "God, I f*cking hate Calvary Chapel Murrieta. I can't wait to leave to blahblahblah next year - I'm NEVER coming back to this sh*t hole!"

Students of 2012-2015: "You know what? Calvary isn't that bad any more... Once they got rid of that f*cking b*tch that used to be Principle, now it's somehow manageable. I think I'll stick it through 'til next year... Still as expensive as hell though."
by HandleIt June 7, 2014
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The tool a priest uses to engage young choir boys
The priest took the young choir boys behind the bike shed and enlightened them with his chapel meat.
by ChurchMeat April 18, 2015
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The act of double finger blasting a girl with your close friend. His finger is in her buttand yours is in the vagina and you can feel the tips of your fingers touching through her
Coleman and I are about to Sistine Chapel this girl.
by BroncoBilly November 11, 2017
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When you’re having sex with a pregnant woman and have your hands on her body and the baby reaches out to touch your hand.
“Dude me and my wife had sex for the first time since she got pregnant but my son sistine chapeled me and totally ruined it.
by Theycallmesmexy November 10, 2021
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A drive in which you see a church chapel. Causes you to think about missing church which then causes you to speed home quickly to get away from the thought. The police then pull you over.
You got pulled over on Chapel View Drive again, didn't you?
by whateveryo91 July 19, 2009
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