The musical orgasm that is the last couple of minutes of 'I Want You (She's So Heavy)' by the Beatles that concludes the first side of Abbey Road.
Quick, get me a tissue before the The Journey Into the Abyss of Mindfuck starts
by FergleMcMergle June 12, 2011
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But the french definition, "very deep & gigantic"; "gigantic" can mean "dope" in french.
So here abyssal mean the dopest thing around.

In french Abyssal is write the same way.
Will Smith slap was Abyssal!

The "Top Notch" beat is Abyssal!
by TKDGenshi April 1, 2022
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Slang term for Asian vagina. Used primarily to describe prostitutes or loose women.
I went to Thailand and fell right into that Jade Abyss.
by Hagfish66 February 26, 2019
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A place full of torment, via regret, past memories, ect.
effects of The Abyss include
Death, Contagion, Extreme mental scarring, permanent emotional wormholes, and bodily deformations.
Very different from The Void
unlike The Void (to exit the void it's just a random wait)
To exit The Abyss, one must need to accept the pain.
*someone falls out of the abyss*
the aforementioned someone : *screaming uncontrollably*
the aforementioned someone : *proceeds to vomit blood on the gravel road they landed in*
by banflimflam May 21, 2022
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A remote location only able to access by being sent by pigeons because of looking at oranges and bananas.
This game encourages racism. I was minding my own business looking at oranges and bananas, and then 2 pigeons ganged up on me and sent me to The Abyss
by ILikeTofus May 31, 2022
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The bottom of your Snapchat convo list where discontinued and streak-less convos end up.
Dude, if she doesn’t respond to your snap, you’ll end up in her snap abyss.

The only way to get out of his snap abyss is to respond to his story!
by femmechi January 28, 2021
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Mom: Son, can you look for my wallet?
Son: Ok mom *looks into an abyss of old receipts, expired IDs, and in a small corner of the purse, the moms wallet.*
Son: Found it!
by WhyAreWeStillHere? May 9, 2022
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