1. makes potheads worldwide feel like they are part of a secret club
2.a sticker stupid potheads put on their vehicles to advertise to police that if you pull me over you'll probably find weed, pipes, roaches, and maybe even a firearm.
1. hey dude, 420, hee heee hee
2. self explanatory
by sick December 15, 2003
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Bob Dylan should be given credit for it cause it came from him. Rainy Day Women No. 12 & 35. do the math people. 12X35=420 every time. there is NO WAY this is a coincidence. i cant believe that people still say this was from some high school kids. it may have been them that started it, but they got it from this song. EVERYBODY MUST GET STONED!!!
by motleyme February 19, 2011
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all the shit about the group of guys in the 70's may be true but the actual meaning behind 420 is that it is the day bob marley died so people wanted it to be a special day and so they woould smoke mass amounts of weed to make the day as peaceful as he would have
its 420 lets get cooked out of our minds
by ez wider 94 smoke April 19, 2011
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It means only one thing, the birthdate of the Glorious Leader of the Everlasting Reich, Herr Adolph Hitler. Der Fuehrer is remembered as both an inspirational leader and a heck of a nice guy. Not many people realize, however, that he was also an accomplished painter. He could paint an entire room in 30 minutes. Two coats.
Es ist 420! Heute ist HitlersGeburtstag! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich rauche?
by Roland Van Owen February 21, 2006
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my favorite holiday.

pot day. YEAH.

only downside is its also:
national sxe kids bitchfest day.
420. highh all dayyy CHEA.
by highallthetime April 21, 2006
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National Pot Smoking Day.

Valencia Serena Grimes' birthday: 4/20/1987

Hitler's Birthday.

France declared war in on Austria in 1882.
Ay, yo, Ange...you smokin that good green wit grimey, today? It's her birthday, ya know?--Max

"Of, course!!!! It's 420!!"--Ange
by Valencia Grimes April 19, 2006
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The 20th day in the month of April. Also known as St. Jackass Day. Followers of St. Jackass celebrate by making "lol 420 blaze it" jokes. Celebrated by sheeple.
Hey it's 420! The day we don't have to pretend we can't hold a conversation about anything but but weed! Lol!
by Nanasaywhat February 5, 2014
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