Used to indicate sarcasm within a sentence.

Amount of 1's or exclamation points in sentence is not defined or restricted to a specified amount. Idea of it is to use 1's to imitate a ''!'' - typically a spelling mistake when making a exclamation mark on a keyboard as some forget to click the Shift key when pressing 1 to make a ''!''.
Sarcastic Cunt: ''omg ur so cul!!!!11!!1!!''
Annoyed Cunt: ''shut up.''
by yaboyskinny May 3, 2017
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A beautiful spring day where all birds kiss. Also people who are born on this day are most of the time very pretty.
Hey you are so pretty! Are u born on May 11?!
by Vikker October 21, 2019
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If you know someone born on this day. Keep them. They are cute, funny and hands down amazing! They make you laugh when your down and have an amazing smile! They are also really pretty even though they will protest that their not!
“Wow, she’s got a cute smile and perfect laugh! When she born?”

“July 11.”
“That explains it!”
by Dinosaur bish November 3, 2019
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a day bosses were born on october 11. you're super unique so it's hard to fit you in a category. you put on a persona in front of others and hide your true self. stop doing that. you're the best. put yourself out there.
mvps were born on october 11.
by 10_11_1**r@ October 19, 2019
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People born on January 11th are usually really out-going and friendly. They're kind, caring, and talented so don't miss out on getting to know an amazing person! People bron on January 11th makes lots of friends easily and are very smart, but make sure you never lose this person because it could happen. This person is loyal and fun.
classmate: "i heard she's really fun and friendly, i'm gonna talk to her"
same classmate: hey, do you wanna be friends? i heard you were born on January 11!
by luvart11 October 26, 2019
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fucking legends born on this day mate
person 1: why’s that girl so fit
person 2: she was born may 11th
by dele alli October 16, 2019
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Best birthday EVER! You probably are a nice, kind, caring and just an amazing person all together!
Are you born on August 11? Cause you're amazing!
by Ugly Mandarine October 30, 2019
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