slay bish is somthing gay people say just like fa- got it? AnYwaYs SLAY BISH means you strut ur stuff while walking and ur a bish but when you strut ur stuff thats called "slaying" and bish means idk look that up on another word
jhon is such a slay bish
he walks like he owns the hall
by gamsey_pebbles_yeshu_toasty October 19, 2022
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a term from the gays that means you go girl hell yeah
slay-bish you look hot in that dress vary nice and not tacky
by that fool rave September 29, 2022
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A mf that eats a lot of tater tots.
dude cmon lets go to mcdonald’s so we can tot slay.
by officialdesii November 17, 2019
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Looking awesome in a cute outfit or completing a very impressive task
Wow girl you Slayed the boots down Huston in those new flare jeans you bought

Hey did you hear billy was elected president he slayed the boots down Huston
by Fifithewordwiz July 28, 2023
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when you think you are slaying but your friend tells you they don't they you are slaying. So they tell you that you can slay everything you want to slay.
"I am slaying my english exam."
"I don't think you will, but slay what you wanna slay."
by Ianpok September 20, 2022
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Sexiest mofo on the planet. Will absolutely blow ur top and bottom and everything in between. Leaves behind a trail of broken hearts and a whole lot of memories. Absolutely funniest girl I have ever met. I ❤️ Katie Slay
Katie Slay is the most fun in bed I’ve ver had!”
by EekBoo! November 2, 2022
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A healthcare teacher with a large forehead who looks like Momo
Maddy: oh look its miss lay
Grace: no no no thats miss slay!!!!💁🏽 ♀️💁🏽 ♀️💁🏽 ♀️
Grace: fuck her no one likes her tho
by gmraadcieson July 14, 2022
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