an atm for masks
*you forget your mask*
"That's ok, they have some at the mask atm"
by TrustworthyMo January 31, 2022
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People who wear there mask under their nose have a nose fetish. They want everyone to see their attractive nose and want to stare at other noses.
“Omg did u see chad’s mask?? His mask is under the nose :0 Nose fetish alert‼️‼️“
by Big biddy April 15, 2021
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Popular MC from the franchiseSailor Moon. He is canonically FRUITY.
*throws a rose* I’m not GAY. I just don’t like to see girls fighting over me all the time😤
-Tuxedo Mask
by September 19, 2022
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Also known as M.B.F. , Masked Bitch Face is when you look like you are in a pissy mood or pissed off despite smiling brightly due to your mask hiding your smile.
Guy: Damn girl I was only saying you look cute!
Girl: Sorry, this surgical mask gives me masked bitch face every time I smile...
by King Happo May 2, 2020
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When you see an attractive person in a public place, and then you realize that they are not wearing a mask, or are wearing a mask incorrectly.
Jack. Did you get the milk from the store? Brian: I did, saw a fine lady, but she was mask ugly, had it down around her chin the whole time she was in the store. People were hacking and coughing around her too, not enough sense to put her mask on. Really sad.
by H.R Broussard. October 9, 2020
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n. Sticky tape used to repair and to attach masks to the face.

Dude! I can see your tonsils. Let me get you some more masking tape.
by gnostic3 June 17, 2020
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A failure to wear a mask correctly
Reluctant-Masker: *refusing to wear a mask correctly*
Bystander: Mask malfunction, put your goddamn mask on correctly.
by guymcguyperson September 23, 2021
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