Taking a long, exaggerated, deep breath in, and exhaling loudly and slowly to gather as much attention as possible.
by bka26 April 26, 2012
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Its the face the guitarist from Cable Stealing Gypsies makes when he's playing a solo. It looks like he's having sex with his guitar
Tasha "it looks like the dude with the red guitar is about to orgasm?"

Abby "oh, that's just the gypsie sex face"

Tasha "its magical. It really takes me to another place. Maybe a rock 'n roll orgy at Keith Richards house or something"
by tamepanda June 6, 2011
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a girl who has attractive features or adorable but is not hot even though u can see how others do find her hot despite her lack of good looks.
some guys may find her hot due to their personality; but you still don't find them hot. you can acknowledge an attractive feature of them, but this(these) feature(s) do not carry her into the Hotness realm.
Ryan: o man u like Zoey Deschenelle?

Jeeb: not really, for me she's a concept face, i can see why u r getting a hard on for her but she is still not hot enough. she just has an attractive voice and nice eyes and adorable personality.

Ryan: on the other hand, do u like kristen stewart?

Jeeb: No Not at all, guys just like her attitude and because hollywood has brainwashed us all into thinking that crap
by ConanWasHere August 18, 2011
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To get drunk/shit-faced on Buckfast tonic/wine
Got completely Buck-faced last-night
by Martyn71 July 15, 2019
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Pushing your spread hand into someone's face to get them out of your personal space.
Dude wouldn't back off so I had to five face his ass..
by Wilbur Brown June 1, 2011
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The definition of a face on which looks like the back ass end of a horse
When horse face speaks, I am reminded that I am talking to someone who looks like a horse
by Borderline stark November 13, 2020
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