People named savy, savu, silvestro and sav sav
“His name is savy? Hes such a trifling shordy
by Urmomlollll February 8, 2022
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A sex move in which after a vagina has been filled with cum, one proceeds to chug sherry through the orifice before inserting two or more "lady's fingers" (actual lady fingers, but if you have none to hand, the sponge variety may be substituted) and giving it a good mix. Intoxication may follow.
"I hear Jeff and Barbra partook in the Devil's Trifle last Tuesday afternoon"
"Good grief."
by A Wolfish Boy April 25, 2021
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an insignificant and worthless pussy-hole.
shut it you trifling cavern.
by oggie March 8, 2005
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the act in which six manly hands conjoin at the pinnacle of the eifle tower( same act, four hands), ultimately making the once eifle tower into a trifle tower, while also unconditionaly stripping the bustdown( see bustdown) of all of her self-respect.
In order to perform such a devious task the team must be comprised of a bustdown who skiis or has gone skiing, for the skiing motion is imperative to the completion of the trifle tower.
DUDE!!, did you hear that tim, stevie ray, and little devontarriuslaronne executed The Trifle Tower on ashley!!

wow, that girl is a master at degrading herself by letting them run The Trifle Tower on her.
by bucknasty October 6, 2006
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While a woman is getting pounded the man would shout "there's a sniper get down!" He would then throw the girl across the room and proceed to ejaculate multiple times over the girls unconscious body
Man: i just gave a girl a good'ol rifle trifle

I am so sorry
by ImAman August 6, 2018
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The act of committing to being in a sexual act of portraying the Eiffle Tower with 4 individuals, 3 of which are male...Compared to the position involving 2 males and 1 female, the "Eifel Tower".
"Me and my two guy friends should Trifle Tower that girl later."
"Dude i was in such a gnarly Trifle Tower last night."
by Steve Chunder October 4, 2011
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Dumb ass people that don't listen can't comprehend and have NO CLUE.
by Oh no you don't! October 21, 2020
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