An adverb to describe something that lasts until the end of September. Specifically relates to September. Not to be confused with any other word.
Blondie: “Hey gal, can you wake me up when September ends?”

Petal: “Sure thing, I’ll put you to sleep permanately, yeah?”

Blondie: “Yes please! See you in October!”

Petal: “Sure thing baby boo, lost my virginity to a fairground ride by the way!!”

Blondie: “Oh.... okay...”
by UndeadGuard September 1, 2020
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A cosmetic tattooing technique in which one can create captivating smudge proof eyeliner, breathtaking well defined brows, a youthful fuller looking lip line and color.

The method is a form of tattooing where a technician implants pigment into the dermal layer of the skin for cosmetic and medical purposes.

Niche specialized training is advised at an academy of cosmetic arts and sciences that is licensed and specializes in this area of tattooing.
I love permanent makeup and look so polished all the time and I do not have to apply makeup daily since it is tattooed.

I would love to help clients look their best all the time with permanent makeup
by ACAS February 24, 2014
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A sex toy you spent too much money on, that you didn't like after you tried, so it sits there collecting dust because you can't sell it.
by Nygmobblepot October 21, 2015
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Continuously taking cold showers can rapidly affect your sperm count and over time cause shrinkage to male genitals (penis).
Man 1: "Im worried my penis is shrinking."
Man 2: "Well stop taking all thoes cold showers!"

* Permanent affects of men taking cold showers *
by Dr Small Penis April 20, 2023
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Having a line of coke in the morning at work.
Fuck me Jim! you look like you’ re still sleeping! go on have a Perman in the disabled toilet and get back on your feet.
by Llewelyn October 23, 2019
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What people with a PhD's have. First you gotta go through high school... then you gotta get your shit together and get into university you study your ass off for 4 years to get Bachelors... then you say to yourself "im really having fun killing my self, I should kill my self some more" and then you get your masters after 2 more years AND then after you are almost losing sense of reality and are having a mental breakdown you push away your last few friends and family members who are trying to bring you to your senses and then you decide to go for your PhD and then after 4 years of treacherous research you officially unlock a new power up that makes you permanently fried in the head.
Person #1: yo my prof is so weird bro.... he keep murmuring to himself when he teaches and his lecture notes don't even make sense
Person #2: Ahlie!
Person #3: yea I know its cuz he has permanent head damage (PhD), he has lost sense of reality.
by LightThief November 13, 2018
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What people with a PhD's have. First you gotta go through high school... then you gotta get your shit together and get into university you study your ass off for 4 years to get Bachelors... then you say to yourself "im really having fun killing my self, I should kill my self some more" and then you get your masters after 2 more years AND then after you are almost losing sense of reality and are having a mental breakdown you push away your last few friends and family members who are trying to bring you to your senses and then you decide to go for your PhD and then after 4 years of treacherous research you officially unlock a new power up that makes you permanently fried in the head.
Person #1: yo my prof is so weird bro.... he keep murmuring to himself when he teaches and his lecture notes don't even make sense
Person #2: Ahlie!
Person #3: yea I know its cuz he has permanent head damage (PhD), he has lost sense of reality.
by LightThief November 13, 2018
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