1. A fan of WWE's Christian
2. An individual who truly understands professional wrestling.
I am part of the Christian Coalition - I am Christian's peep.
by jDogg February 25, 2005
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to smoke marijuana with a group; blaze it.
Guy: Hey! Lets peep it and sleep it?

Other guy: Fuck yea.
by Jaydeka December 12, 2010
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short for pee pee, not a penis but a vagina, word shared between friends as in code.
girl 1: " why u keep twitchin' like that?"
girl 2: "my peep be buggin'."
girl 1: "what?"
girl 2: "my peep be buggin' cuz it got beat up last night!"
girl 1: " ur peep got beat up?"
girl 2: "hell, yeah, and it was so good."
by Dat Gal June 4, 2009
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A acronym for person, friend, or entity.
Hello Peep!
What are doing today peeps?
I need your opinion on something peep.
by AoElite July 20, 2017
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