english indie rock band that makes cool sounding electric songs. Their main albums are "How To Be A Human Being" and "Zaba"
Glass Animals make my favorite songs
by Giraffe Fucker April 7, 2017
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Refers to someone or something that deals high amounts of damage but had a very weak defense or health. Often a term for games.

The best way to fully embrace being a glass cannon is to be very careful when you attack. Wait for an opening in which you are guaranteed a safe or almost safe hit to be as useful as possible.
John is a glass cannon, he got into a fight and with one hit gave someone a bloody nose, but he started crying the second he was hit once.
by TheFizzWhiz February 21, 2021
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A fashion accessory worn by a social justice warrior and feminists that believes everything is sexist, racist, homophobic and/or problematic if it challenges anything concerning their feelings of self-entitlement and/or politically correct world views. This differs from hipster glasses which are often just a pair of empty frames.
Dude, look at her. She's got problem glasses on. We better not talk to her or she's gonna start bitching about smashing the patriarchy.
by Look! A Walrus! October 25, 2015
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A game you play with your lady. She must wear a pair of glasses while giving head. You win this game by cumming on her glasses
Kristen and I decided to play a game of glaze the glasses. I went and came first. I was the winner! Now she sees the world in a new milky white way.
by Phil Skinsspeare December 27, 2016
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A sudden state of seeing or acknowledging only the good side of someone (or, more rarely, something) which comes upon realization that you are about to part ways with these people.

The term apparently comes from high school or college graduations, when all your classmates whom you've always considered to be mean, stupid or boring all of a sudden appear to be nice, interesting and friendly.
Person one: I was going to break up with my girlfriend yesterday, but then I couldn't because she suddenly seemed so beautiful.
Person two: Mate, that's graduation glasses.
by a0sten April 22, 2011
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Glasses worn by feminists and SJW'S in order to appear educated and intelligent when they are spouting drivel. Often containing no lenses because the only lense they like to see through is the feminist one.
"Oh look, here's another feminist with her green hair and problematic glasses telling us why we are all sexist"
by zennieied July 12, 2016
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Glasses worn by a pedophile - typically made to change to sunglasses when worn outdoors, but generally just stay a sleazy, cloudy color ... good for peering at children on the play ground.
Those pedophile glasses look amazing on you. I wish I was twelve.
by sera31204 July 8, 2010
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