A fatneek is a person who usually has a big forehead and a terrible hairstyle. A fatneek can also be used as an insult for fat people
by Rogue fighter June 26, 2021
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A man that has made his fans proud of him but we still bully him everyday on reddit
by FATNEEK JJ November 22, 2021
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a very fat person who bulks
KSIOlajidebt is a fatneek
by Wroeteshaw September 4, 2022
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Fatneek is a word used for a fat nigga, like for example the fat black rapper KSI; that made a song called Holiday (That song sucks, bunch of weird sound effects on his voice to sound somewhat; not a fatneek"

Jake Paul or Alex Wassabi can't be a fatneek because they are both white
Damn that KSI guy, he sucks; he just sucks bro, he's a fatneek
by Harry is mid March 28, 2022
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it means a fat fuck which is a word invented by the harry the great.
"KSI's a fatneek."
by Roader April 30, 2022
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A black person who is black ,or as known as KSI a UK youtuber
KSI is a fatneek!
by thxhtxfgxghzthzhzhzth August 15, 2023
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