an answer to range of statments, questions, or commands coming from some nigga u dont like and pissed u off
"yo home boy i heard u a bitch" said some nigga. "word?" "deez nuts nigga" i said back
by joe delgado March 8, 2008
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kid 1) You knowwho faught yesterday?
kid 2) no who?
kid1) deez nuts!
by deez nuts! May 31, 2003
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A pair of words you use to fuck with anybody who actually wants to know what came in the mail.
You: Something came in the mail today.
Friend: What?
You: Deez Nuts!^&*%^$#@%^$&% Ha GOTEEEEEEEEM
by GotEemWithDeezNuts April 16, 2015
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Just F'ing with someone
eh, yo, what's the ellos/ellas form of Sacar?


Sacan deez nuts!!!!!
by Dee Loc September 21, 2004
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1.)A very popular vine that started out as a prank call.
2.)a way to annoy someone when asking a question; used by idiots
Person 1) do you like imagine dragons
Person 2) Ya
Person 1) well imagine dragging Deez Nuts across yo face!!!!
Person 2) *facepalm* idiot
Person 1) HA GOT EEM
by 😎awesomeness 😎 August 27, 2015
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As the legend goes, Dr. Dre was on holiday in Kansas City, Missouri when he felt the hankering for Micky Dees (McDonalds). While he was in line for the Drive Thru, he noticed the car in front of him was taking a long time. He thought to himself, "what the fuck are these guys doin?" He listened intently. What he heard was the beginning of a grand revolution.

"Yes, I hear the McRib is back. I'd like one of those with a milk."
"Is that all, sir.."
"Yes, and please add the Deez to that order, with a milk again."
"The what??"
"The deez..."

The hooligans sped around the corner, pointed at their "nutz" and yelled once more, "DEEZ NUTZ!"

Dr. Dre realized the genius of this prank, and incorporated it into his new album. Thus the Deez NUTZ prank was made famous. Today the DEEZ revolution has spread to every city in the world.
Driving in car...

"Hello good sir, can I ask you a question? We are looking for the Deez. Is it on 18th street?"



(Drive away while laughing and pointing at "Deez")
by Deez Master Phil January 7, 2007
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