Daniel: "Hey what do you call a fat chink?"
Nikko: "What?"
Daniel: "A Chunk"
by Daniel Os February 23, 2007
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White man- "what do you call a fat chink?"
White man2- "i dunno. what?"
White man- "A CHUNK!"
by Nick Veitch January 30, 2009
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Australian term for getting a Chinese meal with a group of close friends.
Would you like to come for a chunk with Sam and I on Sunday?
by Chinese Sundays November 17, 2013
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the act of taking large, random sections of hair and infusing them with new color in order to produce bold, fat highlights in one's hair
Chunking is a hair coloring technique that gives dramatic impact to your hairstyle, often by adding bright, trendy colors to natural hair color.
by dreww9222 October 13, 2006
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Getting high by having too much fruit dipped in a chocolate fountain.
"I think you had too much chocolate..."
by perusingunicorn August 15, 2011
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An obese individual whose cultural background is of Asian descent. Derivative of the offensive slang word, chink.
Bob : Yo Gregg, check out Yung Jin Kim over there.
Gregg : So what? He's a damn chink.
Bob : No, dude. He's a fucking chunk.
by Sleep Streamer September 7, 2007
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