Blacking out so hard that you can't remember what you did the night before.
"Dude, I got so chickenhead last night that I punched a cop!"
by Ezco Stunna April 18, 2012
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The bastard children of urban crackwhores often concieved by the common work hazards of hooking to support a crack addiction
I was driving through the projects, and the street was full of Chickenhead Nuggets
by The Doomsday Machine August 26, 2006
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performing fellatio in synchronization to the Cartoon Network's late-night show "Robot Chicken"
Hey baby, adult swim's on... Come gimme some of that Robot Chickenhead!
by tots4sho July 21, 2011
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Similar to the female chickenhead variety; a male who seeks the companionship of a wealthier or higher class female in an aim to get a free dinner, drinks or acquire a sugar mama.
This male chickenhead texted me earlier asking where I was taking him for dinner - then he said I should pay, since I'm an Executive, and he's just making a cop's wages! So I took his ass to Whataburger.
by superlluclkycat June 28, 2009
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The need for stupid bitches to give head to useless stupid ghetto punks.
Yo! Dat bitch wid chickenhead syndrome gave f'ed up head to dem punks again.
by leothelump July 23, 2010
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Tacky mirror pictures women take (usually with a camera phone). They are usually adorned in sexy attire and often immolate poses from various men's magazines.

Here's a hint: Set the timer on your digital camera (NOT camera phone)
I hate it when girls take chickenhead pictures in the mirror.
by Hip Hop Webster June 27, 2010
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a)A part of lesbian typology referring to a lesbian with close cropped hair and glasses.
Resulting in a chicken like appearance .
b) a lesbian who gices head to men
Look at that lesbian she is a chickenhead lez
by Andrew Lochhead May 22, 2005
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