A mysterious person who will continually be unknown to us (Urban Dictionary Readers), since we can't call him/her out by name. We only know that he/she has a computer with the internet and he/she decides who has the hottest definitions.
I hope I get a bunch of "thumbs ups" by the mysterious Urban Dictionary's Top Editor.
by Jerrelle January 11, 2008
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An absolute cunt of a human being.
"A few volunteer editors read your definition and decided not to publish it. Don't take it personally!"
"F*ck that! I f*cking hate those Urban Dictionary Volunteer Editors!"
by Ferno November 18, 2018
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The person group that have no life and tend to reject your word definition submissions.
These people are the largest virgins known to man, not even 4chan members can compete.
Friend: You should define that word and publish it on Urban Dictionary
Me: Good idea let me do it.
*10 minutes later*
Editors: We have rejected your word.
Me: Oh no the Urban Dictionary Volunteer Editors rejected my word :(
by HalfSmartMan January 21, 2020
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Group of pompus cocks who only think that their jokes are funny and take great joy in rejecting peoples definitions and like to get reactions from accepting utterly stupid shit like 3o’clock flop…..i mean that was gay as two dudes fucking.
Urban dictionary guest editor 1=Hey check out this one.
Urban dictionary guest editor 2= lmfao that’s funny as fuck……REJECT it and lets post this stupid one written by a vegan
Urban dictionary guest editor 1 = yeah that will piss the readers off.
Urban dictionary guest editors 2= hahha fuck em
Urban dictionary guest editor 1 = haha yeah like this guy moaning about us…wot wot wot
by dirtychevy May 15, 2016
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Person 1: The faggatrons keep rejecting my definitions
Person 2: They must be to busy sucking on fat massive cock
Person 3: Y'all must be talking about the Urban Dictionary Editors
by autisti_arab December 19, 2021
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The people that reject and approve definitions. Criticized for allowing unfunny sexual "definitions" on non-sexual terms that no one uses in that manner and "definitions" for real-life names.
"Bruh Urban Dictionary Editors aren't even following any sort of guidelines. They accept fake definitions that are either overly sexual for no reason or praise anyone with a certain real-life name that the editor and/or author probably have."
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 19, 2022
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