Tayla, is a sexy bitch, she is lowkey a horndog though so watch out. Tayla is usually quite shy but once you get to know her you'll fall in love . She's quite the party gal an a sexy bod too . Everyone cannot resist her and her beautiful blue eyes an freckles. Tayla is a short fiesty one , so boys watch out. But in the end all she wants is a boyfriend and someone to cuddle at night. Tayla will treat you well and is an all rounder , will give you a laugh an a half.
Tayla is a hot fucking bitch
"I know aye"
I wish i was dating her dam.
by Boomerhasit April 17, 2020
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a stupid fake bitch with a squeaky dog toy voice with elf on the shelf ears, don't trust a tayla or their mum they'll backstab the fuck out of you.
omg whos that? "thats tayla"

"i thought it was a dog toy"
by klejuhdy8rliahn kWMB VI iJ October 26, 2022
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An Australian loving, sweet, sometimes aggressive girl who has many friends and everyone wishes they were her. Life couldn't get any better when you were with her:) you know you can tell her anything, she's that kind of girl who never judges and never stabs each others backs. She keeps your secrets and never lets you go.
girl 1: OMG! who's that new girl?
girl 2: her names tayla!
girl 1: lets be friends with her!
by 😌Hello!😌 September 24, 2020
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The most funny amazing girls in the world and the girl of my dreams
Wow she's just like Tayla holt
by Thejuany March 16, 2016
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someone who likes dem big lip niggers
stop being such a tayla donachie
by bigasslipniggers June 18, 2018
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Tayla brown is the definition Of the most beautiful women In this world and any others that are out there
Tayla brown
by I am the huff February 20, 2021
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A quite, shy, nice girl who is almost always ahead on her school work and love cats and the series Warriors by Erin Hunter. She is an author of many of her fanfics and she is on Wattpad. Her Wattpad is Kittypawsbook.
Tayla-Marie Robinson is a good friend.
by Tayla Marie June 7, 2018
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