The permanent tan lines on the top of a person's feet caused by wearing only flip-flops for extended durations, usually months or years, and associated with a leisurely lifestyle in generally sunny locations such as the tropics.
Check out that dude's perma-flops man! He's gotta be retired and living the dream down south.
by Panama_Jack December 31, 2019
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A cop...or someone who always lurks.. mainly Texas cops
Awww fuck its the perma-lurks!!!

Son, what did you call me?
I called you a perma-lurk..all you do is lurk lurk lurk!
by Brittni W. November 8, 2006
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Usually occurring in a male either a) just hitting puberty or b) partaking in copious amounts of sexual intercourse. Symptoms include thrusting, or humping, upon sight or contact with someone of the opposite sex.
"All I did was shake his hand and he just started thrusting at me!"
"Don't worry. He just had a touch of the perma-hump."
by Mae F December 23, 2008
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When ones face is built in a way that makes them looked like they are permanently shocked.
Sarah: .. Uhm nothing..
Blair:(whispers to Deb)She's just perma-shocked.
by lata sk9a September 9, 2008
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That sore on your friends face that they never discuss and never goes away.
Did you see Burt Reynolds perma-herp acting up today? I think it's bout to eat his face.
by MasterJRC October 18, 2008
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That tight, pained smile resulting from a budget face lift. Usually apparent on past-their-prime female celebs, ie. Joan Rivers
Who has a bigger perma-grin Mary Tyler Moore or Carol Burnett?
by Dan Voit April 18, 2003
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the person who just can't stop smirking for the life of them. AKA a smirk-face.
that waitress was nice enough but she had some serious perma-smirk.
by Smiles for Life September 2, 2009
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