november 6th is the day that you celebrate your friend whose name starts with the letter e this can be celebrated by going to their house and posting them on your snapchat story
friend whose name doesn't stray with "e" : happy november 6th!!

friend whose name starts with "e" : huh?
by ur mommy 69420 January 7, 2022
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November 6th is national slap arse day, you can slap or grab anyone’s bum and get away with it!
Lewis slapped my arse but it is November 6th - national slap arse day
by Jamiecrookk November 4, 2020
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National greet everyone you ever talked to day. Not only it's polite but you can even start a new conversation with someone (or get some awkward looks and laugh it off later).
Tom: Hey, Amanda!
Amanda: Hi..? Do you need something?
Tom: No, it's November 6th! National greet everyone you ever talked to day.
by Dironosorus November 5, 2019
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National Jack slander day. A day in which anyone who possesses the name “jack” can and should be mildly verbally harassed.
Thank god that its November 6th. “Jack smells like a rotten egg!”
by shtinky boy November 6, 2021
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National ask you crush out say
“hey wanna date? it’s november 6th?”
by November 6, 2021
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November 6th is national every basic white girl has to stop posting this on their snapchat stories day
November 6th Definition - every basic white girl has to stop posting what they want on their stories because no one is gonna do what they want and/or no one cares
by E. Rex Sean November 4, 2020
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November 6th is the national stop posting this on your snapchat stories day
November 6th Definition - every basic white girl has stop posting what they want on their stories because no one is gonna do what they want and/or no one cares (also no one cares about your shit tik toks when they describe your feelings when they don't and star signs that sopposedly effect you when they don't)
by E. Rex Sean November 4, 2020
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