gyatt means when someone probably a guy, looks at a girl that has a big fleshy ass and boobs and says gyatt
"dang bro she gyatt"
by vxznz October 1, 2023
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Basically when someone says "GYATT" their referring to a female with a big ass dumptruck
by Dear Nigga yo breath stank August 20, 2023
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On TikTok, GYATT is said to be fun word shared 'between friends'. 'GYAT', or 'GYATT' is a shortened term for 'wow' that guys use when they see an good looking girl they think is attractive. The term is commonly used within Twitch streams.
Hey Ted? Do you think Marsha would want to go on a date with me, I think she is very gyatt!
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When you see someone with a fat ass.
“Ananke got GYATT!!”
by Papotee October 12, 2023
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a female with a big butt
" Dam she has a gyatt!!"
by lilsforlife August 25, 2023
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Someone who has a large butt, or someone who is really big in a certian area

I just love the gyatt.
by armymoastaynetzien November 2, 2023
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