A disease in which the asshole softens and becomes ripe for the eating.
by Big dog nut fuck April 1, 2019
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When you chew a nice lip of dip and you proceed to spit it into your partner’s anus, after which they project said dip back into your mouth, via fart. This is an infinite cycle.
I need to brush my teeth as soon as i get finished with this chewy pooey.
by Caleb watches anime June 26, 2019
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To vomit and have diarrhea at the same time.

The entomology comes from the act of splitting, i.e. one thing being diverted or cut into two different directions or entities and the chewy, i.e. that which has been eaten or chewed.
After eating that old potato salad, I spent the night rotating from face up to face down at the toilet, That crap made me split the chewy
by gweschuck76 January 19, 2011
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In other peoples mutherfuckin bizness!!!!!! being nosy!!!
Shit well baby I might be. But got damn what is you doin. You jockin a playa. You ch-Chewy ova here right. Look I aint K-Rab baby You know what I mean I'm not a piece of Bubblegum. What I'm doin is not your business. But matta of fact while you ova here is you a waitress or somethin? Cause the shit you got on make you look like you a waitress. So do what you do iight. Imma give you this hundred dollars. Go get you what ever you drankin. Bring me and click about ten of dem orange juices, five crunk juices and we'll be straight how bout that. Aand is you straight is you single or is you marry.
by Marcus Mandingo Jackson April 6, 2008
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A Star-of-David shaped chewy candy made by a Jewish candy company.In the middle of the candy,there is a shiny quarter.You eat the candy,and you get the quarter.BUT-if there are any Jews in the surrounding area,they have an obligation to take the quarter back and put it in their piggy banks.
Man:Hey,this Chewy Jewy is great!Ooh-a shiny quarter!!

Jew:*tackles man to ground and takes the quarter* Sorry,its a rule *runs away*
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When your girlfriend straps on a dildo and does you in the ass
"My boyfriend wanted to change things up, so I gave him a dirty chewie."
by Aurorainthenorth February 10, 2007
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