1. A delicious meat product

2. A raging whore who cheats on your best friend but then gains 50lbs over the summer and becomes really unattractive.
1. Oh my god look at all this bacon!

2. Maegan is such a bacon. I'd punch her but I'd be sucked right in.
by Alli-Bam August 29, 2010
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God's gift to man. Good for anytime of the day. Easily able to cure any case of vegetarianism.
ONE: "You member how Jenny was a vegetarian?"
TWO: "Yeah, why?"
ONE: "Well, she told me bacon was the best thing she had ever eaten in her life."
by Saxima December 8, 2010
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A slang word, mostly used and is used to say instead of "whatever" or "yeah right".
Dude: "I got an A+ in Pre Algebra!"

Dude 2: "Bacon!"
by Toon.Shuki February 15, 2009
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A food substance of THE highest respectability. Bacon comes from the pig, and is measured in rashers.
It is perfectly acceptable to consume bacon at ANY time of day, accompanied by ANY other food substance (preferably more bacon), and is recommended by many doctors to be eaten for every meal to benefit the baconical lobe of the frontal cortex in the brain.
Overall, if you do not like bacon, you will probably die relatively soon - either from a baconical lobe deficiency, or from being lynched by all the worldwide bacon lovers. So there.
"Ewww no I don't like bacon."
"Well fuck you man. *Avada Kedavra*"
by WordSmithsies February 11, 2012
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To be something completely awesome...
Use adj.
Wow that ride was totally bacon.
by Brizzle2790 July 11, 2008
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A female that is either over weight or extremely ugly.
Homie 1: Wats good wit some hoes nigga?!
Homie 2: Naw cuzzo. Desse bitch's hurt; dey all bacon.
Homie 1: Bacon as in busted, or bacon as in big?
Homie 2: Both Nigga!
by WittyassNigga.Nigga! June 25, 2009
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a vegatable from the porkis carrotis group.
I eat little children because they are made of bacon and bacon is a vegatable and their for it is healthy to eat little children
by darth gir December 8, 2006
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