When You Give some one a thumbs up while facing them, then jumping 180, and give them thumbs up behind your back.
by Joe dirt2011554 January 24, 2011
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noun, type of female that not only cockblock stigmata's a male by marking her territory, but then pulls off a psycho bitch 180 by playin hard to get, thus making you loose all chances of getting laid.
John, "wait so she wants to dress you and then tells you she just wants to be friends?"
Jack, "ya man she must be a cockblock stigmata psycho bitch 180 whore
by niggman star33 August 8, 2011
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when you're in a heated situation , (or nervous)

using your finger to pull the collar of your shirt
"hey isnt that you're mistress?" umm no,what arey ou talking about.... (now is the time to preform a 180 collar tug)
by jurduan September 19, 2013
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Don’t mind me I’m just going to take another lap.
Hym “No seriously, that is one hell of a 180°. I can’t help but revel in it a little. All those years of you having my sympathy and now? You’ve gained it for me and I’ve lost it for you. Ha! The irony is palpable... It’s a double 180°.... We both flipped around.... And still so dissatisfying.... 😕 I didn’t want this.... Hmm... I just don’t understand why it has to be this way... It could be so much simpler... And for what? What do you gain? Is it worth it? I mean, I... They don’t need to get away with it. Nothing good comes from it. And you shouldn’t be doing what you’re doing. I need the thing you’re trying to withhold from me.”
by Hym Iam September 29, 2022
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Repeated public lies that reveal a rhetorical pattern where simply to misinform is not sufficient; rather, one's lies must be as close as possible to the exact opposite of the truth, prompting speculation that this represents a form of worship for the inversion of truth.
Senator Doubledown smiled as he held up a snowball before his peers. "Looks like it's getting colder to me," he said, simultaneously securing a promotion to cardinal in The Church of the Big 180 (CoB 180).
by jimbo92107 May 22, 2015
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A woman who looks like she plays it by the books, but actually gets high thinking about other people getting high, yet doesnt partake?
Is a white rap queen with soul of a Sista!
Person 1: Is that woman high?
Person 2: nah man, she’s Straighty 180, she gets high just thinking about weed but she don’t smoke
by Malady Pegasus October 3, 2018
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when you wake up still high from the night before and you have no idea whats going on.
person 1: how'd you do this bad on your english test?

person 2: I had an intense AM 180 and english is my first class
by guerrilagoalie January 28, 2010
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