Someone who's life serves no purpose
Blake just takes up space and doesn't do anything he's such a waste of carbon!
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(adj.) Wasted in the form and style relative to a familiar "Whitney." Usually referring to a step up from white girl wasted, in other words a good-quality level of intoxication without the embarrassment.
Man, I got Whitney wasted last night and it was the best night of my life.
by MerriamWebster28 February 1, 2014
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I can't believe they didn't let me onto Jackass 4, I feel so wasted and wounded.
by king_D_ February 27, 2021
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When your adoptive mother dumps a bottle of Chardonnay into some homemade soup without telling you and the next thing you know, you are face down in your bowl.
Mom: How’s that soup Shanda?
Shanda: Mmmmph gurgle mph gurgle!
Mom: Damn, look at that, Shanda’s soup wasted!
by Papford September 29, 2021
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When your adoptive mother dumps a bottle of Chardonnay into her homemade soup without telling you and pass out during a family dinner!
Look at Shanda over there, she passed out in her bowl! She must be soup wasted!
by Papford September 25, 2021
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When you are highly intoxicated off Chronic or alcohol to the point the cops find you at near death condition
That man was found at the getty center Trash Wasted
by Therealestdude January 4, 2016
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