An individual with the propensity to engage in coitus with goats, or other goat-like animals.
Austin: “Hey Moe, did you see that zach over there?”

Moe: “Yeah bro, beastiality is gross. Zach play.”
by Ar11936255 November 23, 2022
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very gay all the time gay part of the lgbtq+ community, if your dating a zach or best friends with one just know he’s hitting on your male friend
by zach:) June 18, 2022
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A really cool, chill, caring guy. Doesn't talk all the time, but is there for you when you need him. Zach is a man of many talents and overall is just the perfect man.
Person 1. OMG is that Zach?
Person 2. I think it is!!
Person 3. He is like, so awesome!!
by kyle_pogz January 17, 2023
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Zach is either really cute or REALLY ugly. There is no in the middle with them. If you date a zach, you better hope he is on the really cute side of the table
G1: omg did you see zach today?
G2: yeah, isnt he kinda cute?
G1: Kinda?! Babygirl u is trippin... he's fine !!
by That_girl_that_knows April 4, 2020
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the act of pulling out before something even begun because you´re an insecure incel.
Damn dude look at that girl you should ask for her number!
I zach to much there's no way she would give it to me anyway.
by Ejoyz January 3, 2023
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You pull a Zach, when you kill yourself in video games. Like that one 10 year old with the username Zachsmashesmoms69, you played Minecraft Skywars with once on fill and he killed himself right before you won the game.
*John accident jumped off a cliff in Minecraft Skywars. “Goddamn it John, you are pulling a Zach, we were about to fucking win!!”
by Sir Tubby April 20, 2022
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Jumping into a relationship way too fast, and then realizing it shortly after
God damnit, you've only known her for 3 weeks and you guys are already dating! Stop pulling a Zach.
by noodalie June 17, 2017
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