Ohohohohohoho! Maybe not a charlatan! Are we starting to believe the things we say? Because I was going to go on a about how meritocracy isn't real and use myself as evidence... You know? Cause of all the blatant and public exploitation? But that might no longer be necessary! I don't have a bank account so just bring a briefcase full of money.
Hym "OHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! Oh!? Is the world-changing, genius philosopher your co-writer now!? Is that was makes your book so deep? Because it was co-written by the Mariana trench in human form? Hohohohohohoho! You're a lucky guy! To have the world's greatest mind on retainer like that. Maybe I was wrong about you!"

Iam "You forgot the 'convenient excuse' part..."

Hym "Huh? Oh! Ah shit! Yeah, Autism would be a super convenient excuse for my behavior. Untouchable! Beyond contempt! Above scrutiny! Better than everyone! Ahahahahahaha!"
by Hym Iam January 3, 2023
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The complete (imperative) overlap between the boundaries of the phenomenological and the phenomenal.

Co-mperative conflation includes a complete overlap between the boundaries of synthetic dialectics and intersubjectivity; deontology (law) and science; and naturalism and monotheism respectively.

Reveals the phenomenal to be fiction ie. the internalized space of the contiguous is completely devoid of value in accordance with Nietzsche's paradigm of nihilism.


The co-imperative contrapositive to contiguity.
Co-imperative conflation is counter-posed by co-imperative contiguity in which all conformal circles intersect at a single point (in contrast to an infinite number of points).

Co-imperative contiguity reveals the monotheistic (one God) divinity to be fiction which is later replaced by the meta-apeirotheistic (infinite self-God) sublimity.
by tomorrowtomorrow December 23, 2018
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Subject is a L CO
by Wumaxon August 9, 2023
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